Monday, December 25, 2017

Watch TRASH O RAMA 2017 CHRISTMAS Video Mixtape

Welcome one and all to the 17th episode of Trash-O-Rama, Austin Popdan's 40-60 minute series of themed video mixtapes inspired by the likes of Forbidden Transmission and the Hypnotic Eye. For those unaware a video mixtape is the "best parts"of movies, tv shows, music videos, commercials or whatever edited together in a certain fashion.

Today's theme? Christmas! In our first ever Christmas special expect Coca Cola, heavy metal, mutant snowmen, punk rock, Mr. Bean, gore, nudity and a mall Santa snorting coke before getting stabbed in the groin by an elf!
View more episodes of Trash O Rama video mixtapes at Austin Popdan's archive account under the user name JamesBatman.

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