Monday, October 30, 2017


Two great Halloween Video Mixtapes by Austin Popdan. The first Halloween Trash O Rama video mixtape was released in 2016. In 2017 Austin started a series also called Trash O Rama of themed video mixtapes. The 13th episode of the series is the 2017 Halloween Special. Watch both Halloween versions below and then check out the whole Trash O Rama series at Austin's Internet Archive account under the user name JamesBatman.

SYNOPSIS: SEE! A leprechaun killing someone with a pogo stick! SEE! A robot space gorilla shooting lightning from his fingers! SEE! R.L. Stine trying to act! This video mixtape is 31 minutes of spooky trailers, commercials, movie/tv clips and music videos. Featuring music from AC/DC , Type O Negative, The Dickies, Rob Zombie and even Detroit's heavy metal horror show Halloween!

2016 Halloween Trash O Rama Video Mixtape:

SYNOPSIS: Welcome one and all to Trash-O-Rama, my 40-50 minute series of themed video mixtapes inspired by the likes of Forbidden Transmission and the Hypnotic Eye. For those unaware a video mixtape is the "best parts" of movies, tv shows, music videos, commercials or whatever edited together in a certain fashion.

Today's episode is a very special one for it's marks Trash-O-Rama's first Halloween special! In our longest episode yet, expect Boris Karloff, heavy metal, Vincent Price, Hallmark commercials, gore, nudity and the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers battling a rapping monster with an upside down pumpkin head!

Trash O Rama Episode 13: 2017 Halloween Special:

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